cert. Groomer | cert. Trainer


Im very excited to open shop of my very own grooming salon finally in 2022 !
Im a dog lover since birth and with great pride got certified at Ambers Academy of Pet Styling in 2010. After a long hiatus raising a family I'm back doing what I love most and rebuilding my portfolio. AKC S.A.F.E. Certified Groomer & International Professional Groomers certified currently working towards getting my Master Groomer Certificate but I need clients like you so I can put in the work day in and day out. I continue my education thru mentorships, seminars, and staying active in the conformation ring.
Booking baths, full grooms, breed specific clips, hand scissoring, hand stripping, and creative styling. Currently I groom out of my home with my garage converted into a stylish salon which allows me to provide a stress free, 1:1 grooming experience for your dog.
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Mon-Thur 9:00a-5:00p
Dru Katsiroumbas